Confessions of a Refrigerator

She opened me, a little more slowly this time. I guess she already knew I was as empty as she were, but despite that, she continued. I got a hint of her deep black eyes. For a second I doubted my vision, I didn't recognize the expression they gave. She sat down on her knees in front of me, and started to move her eyes along my empty shelves. She sighed. I tried to figure out what was so different about her tonight, while she stared at the moldy leftovers from last week. She had been on her way to throw it out several times, but had put it back. She didn't even bare to think about leaving her apartment, but I saw how the fact that she hadn't been out since Monday filled her with anxiety. She was most often pretty easy to read, she was either very happy, very sad, or very very angry. I've learned to interpret her feelings by observing her eyes, but now it was like everything I learned simply was blown away like a feather. At the same time as she had locked the front door almost a week ago, she had also shut the world out from her consciousness. Right now, the only two things that existed to her, was herself and the dark room she slept in. She gave me another glare of emptiness, and closed me with a soft click, as she went back to her madras on the floor.

Sigur Ros – Hoppípolla


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